MG Series
Head of the class
Yamaha has always strived to provide sound engineers with the purest possible signal instead of added processing or color to give it a "signature" sound, and the MG Series is no exception. Embracing this philosophy of transparent sound, these mixing consoles deliver a level of sonic purity and sound quality that is unmatched in their class.

D-PRE (Discrete Class-A Mic Preamps)

This is where it all starts. Everything you do as a sound engineer is dependent on the quality of your preamps, which determines the direction your mix will take, and ultimately how good it is going to sound. MG Series mixing consoles feature Yamaha's studio-grade discrete class-A D-PRE preamps, which utilize an inverted Darlington circuit comprising two cascading transistors in a configuration that provides more power with lower impedance. Delivering fat, natural sounding bass and smooth, soaring highs, with very low distortion, D-PRE preamps possess an impressively wide frequency range that allow them to handle signal from any audio source without overly amplifying any specific elements of the sound. Having such a pure sonic platform to build on will ultimately save you time and effort by eliminating the need for excessive EQing or additional effects processing in order to "fix" your mix.
High Quality Sound Op-amp

The head amp determines sound quality, and op-amp integrated circuits are one of the most important parts in the head amp circuit. MG Series mixers feature new, high-quality, custommade MG01 op-amps that we developed in cooperation with the semiconductor manufacturer. Although many other Op-amps prioritize electrical design and efficiency, we worked directly with the semiconductor manufacturer to focus on sound quality first. MG01 op-amps feature redesigned circuitry in which even the internal components and wiring have been optimized, and use materials such as high-quality silicon wafers and copper wire to achieve superb resolution.
Switchable Phantom Power & PAD Switch

With phantom power, MG Series consoles allow you to take full advantage of the greater frequency response and high sound quality of condenser microphones. The input channel with PAD switch accepts MIC to line level of inputs, PAD Switch attenuates high input signals that often accompany mic'ed instruments during performance, avoiding the clippingthat can seriously affect your mix.
Our mixer. Your sound.

When was the last time you heard guitar without EQ or a completely unprocessed vocal on one of your favorite songs? Probably never. Yamaha mixers are famous for their flat response and sonic purity, but it often takes more than a perfectly-captured instrumental performance or vocal to achieve a professional-sounding mix. Equipped with some of the same state-of-the-art functionality featured on Yamaha’s high-end consoles, the MG Series gives you the tools you need to produce high quality sound that is uniquely your own.
1-knob Compressors

Compression plays an essential role in just about any recording or sound reinforcement environment by altering the level of dynamics of an audio signal when you need livelier guitars, punchier bass lines, a tighter snare, or a cleaner vocal sound. However, it can take countless hours to master the complexities of even the most basic outboard compression units and use them effectively. Originally a Yamaha innovation, 1-knob compressors are now an industry standard that gives you instant access to optimized compression settings via a single rotary control.
(except for MG06 / 06X)
EQ and High-pass Filters

There's nothing more useful than reliable equalization when you need nuanced management of your tone. The MG Series benefits from Yamaha's unparalleled experience in designing pro audio gear, featuring 3-band equalizers on all mono channels for precise control of your sound. High-pass filter allows you to eliminate unwanted low-frequency noise, for a smoother, cleaner mix.
* MG06 / 06X feature 2-band equalizers on all mono channels.
AUX / Effect Sends / Group

Mixer MG Series dilengkapi fitur AUX sends untuk memperluas setup sound reinforcement atau rekaman, Anda dapat menggunakan efek tambahan, mengeluarkan output ke perangkat perekaman eksternal, atau feed ke sistem monitoring. (kecuali untuk MG06 / 06X) Kontrol send master juga disediakan. MG06 / 06X, MG10 / 10X / 10XU / 10XUF dan MG12XUK dilengkapi satu stereo bus. Semua model lain dilengkapi tambahan satu atau dua group bus stereo, serta output-output yang dapat digunakan untuk memudahkan pengelompokan channel. Tombol assign untuk stereo dan group bus terletak di sebelah setiap fader channel.
Beragam konektor input / output

Semua model dilengkapi dengan konektor XLR balanced Neutrik™ berkualitas tinggi pada channel mikrofon/line mono dan channel stereo yang dilengkapi XLR. Setiap input mono dilengkapi dengan colokan kombo dan menerima sinyal level MIC dan LINE. Dua input stereo dilengkapi dengan XLR dan dua konektor jack dengan XLR yang menerima sinyal level MIC, sementara dua konektor jack menerima sinyal level LINE dan dapat digunakan baik mono atau stereo. (kecuali untuk MG10 / 10X / 10XU / 10XUF / 12XUK) Fungsi dua channel stereo lainnya bervariasi tergantung model: Dengan MG20 / 20XU, XLR menerima sinyal level MIC dan dua konektor RCA menerima sinyal level LINE dan dapat digunakan baik mono atau stereo. Dengan MG12 / 12X / 12XU dan MG16 / 16X / 16XU, dua konektor jack menerima sinyal level LINE sebagai stereo. Selain itu, masing-masing channel stereo dilengkapi fitur 2TR in (konektor RCA), dan dapat digunakan sebagai input independen dari sumber audio eksternal seperti CD. MG10 / 10X / 10XU / 10XUF dan MG12XUK dilengkapi dengan channel stereo tambahan dengan sepasang colokan jack yang menerima level LINE. Dengan model XU, setiap sumber masuk yang dikirim melalui USB dapat di-assign ke salah satu channel stereo. Selain output stereo utama (XLR L/R, jack TRS L/R), konsol mixing MG Series dilengkapi dengan rangkaian konektor output lengkap, termasuk GROUP OUT (jack TRS), AUX/FX OUT (jack TRS) , MONITOR OUT (jack TRS L/R), dan konektor HEADPHONE OUT (jack stereo), memampukan Anda memilih output master yang sesuai dengan aplikasi tertentu seperti monitoring atau mastering.
LED level metering
Easy-to-read LED level metering allows output levels to be monitored with precision.
Efek Digital SPX Built-in

Untuk aplikasi musik dan non-musik, pemrosesan efek menambahkan kesan dan profesionalisme ke sebuah mix. MG X / XU dilengkapi prosesor multi-efek digital SPX Yamaha yang ternama, yang menawarkan rangkaian lengkap 24 efek digital yang dapat diedit agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas mix Anda, untuk menambah kesan depth pada pidato atau memberikan warna dan suasana baru ke dalam performa live band. Secara khusus, reverb dan delay berkualitas tinggi memperluas kualitas spasial suara dengan bunyi yang natural. Anda bahkan dapat menghubungkan foot switch FC5 opsional untuk mengontrol on/off efek. (MG10X / 10XU / 10XUF / 12X / 12XU / 12XUK / 16X / 16XU / 20XU)
* MG06X dilengkapi enam efek SPX (REVERB HALL / ROOM / PLATE, DELAY SHORT / LONG / VO.ECHO), efek-efek tersebut tidak dapat diedit.
Built to last

For gigging, recording, and installed applications alike, your console can be subjected to a wide range of environmental conditions and hazards. Excessive humidity, unstable power supplies, and the rigors of road travel in general can take a serious toll on a mixing console, often causing expensive, time-consuming repairs, and reducing its lifespan. The MG Series has been redesigned with an emphasis on durability, incorporating practical features that offer greater flexibility while ensuring peak performance for many years to come.
Metal Chassis

Built to last, MG Series mixers feature a rugged, impact-resistant, powder-coated metal chassis, offering an unrivalled level of durability. With a sleek design contoured for optimal convection cooling, the internal layout separates the power supply from the analog circuitry for superior noise reduction, and further extends the life of the components inside. To further ensure reliable performance, knob control placement above the surface of the chassis diverts any impact or pressure on the knobs to the chassis itself and not the circuit board or components underneath.
Power Supply Internal Universal

Berkat power supply internal universal yang sangat efisien, konsol MG Series dapat digunakan di wilayah mana pun di seluruh dunia—bahkan di lingkungan yang rentan naik-turun daya yang berpotensi merusak. Power supply internal juga menyederhanakan peletakan konsol dalam rak untuk aplikasi instalasi, Anda tidak membutuhkan adaptor besar atau sambungan tambahan.(* MG12 / 16 / 20 / 12X / 16X / 12XU / 16XU / 20XU)
Kit Rack Mount Disertakan

Mudah beradaptasi dengan beragam aplikasi instalasi dan portabel, model 16 dan 20 channel dari MG Series disertakan rack ear, sehingga memberi Anda pilihan konfigurasi pemasangan di rak atau di atas meja. Dengan kualitas pembuatan yang sangat kuat, desainnya yang ramping membuat penempatan konsol Anda aman dan stabil tanpa repot, menghemat waktu dan upaya setup seminimal mungkin. (MG16 / 20 / 16X / 16XU / 20XU)
- Kit Rack mount opsional "RK-MG12" tersedia untuk MG12 / 12X / MG12XU.
- Adapter stand Mikrofon opsional "BMS10-A" tersedia untuk MG06 / 06X / 10 / 10X / 10XU.
XLR connector
The main stereo outputs feature XLR type connectors that lock to prevent accidental disconnection. Rugged and dependable, these professional connectors ensure providing stable signal transmission even in the most demanding environments.
Create, record… listen

The MG XU models feature the same digital connectivity that is used to streamline the recording process on Yamaha’s professional-level mixing consoles. Take advantage of state-of-the-art digital technology that makes it easier than ever to plug-in, play, record, and then listen to your creations.
24-bit /192kHz 2-in/2-out USB Audio Interface Function

The MG XU models feature flexible digital connectivity for quick and easy highresolution playback of digital content. Simply connect to your PC via USB, or to your iPhone / iPad (2 or later) using Apple’s Camera Connection Kit / Lightning to USB Camera Adapter. The USB protocol uses asynchronous data transfer. Audio data is transferred based on highly precise audio clock signal from the MG, for high quality recording and playback.
(MG10XU / 10XUF / 12XU / 12XUK / 16XU / 20XU)
MG Rec & Play

The MG Rec & Play software application enables high-quality recording, as well as fast and easy playback of songs and sound effects, by simply connecting your iPhone/iPad to any MG Series XU model. This intuitive application can be used for a wide range of purposes such as recording songwriting sessions, band rehearsals, and live gigs, or providing background music or sound effects for live concert or entertainment events, or parties. (MG10XU / 10XUF / 12XU / 12XUK / 16XU / 20XU)
*Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit/ Lightning to USB Camera Adapter required.
Cubase AI

MG XU models are bundled with Downloadable Steinberg’s Cubase AI software. As one of the most advanced, comprehensive DAW suites available, Steinberg's Cubase has led the charge, providing users with a powerful and flexible platform for music production. Cubase AI offers these same core technologies and interface that have won Cubase worldwide acclaim. (MG10XU / 10XUF / 12XU / 12XUK / 16XU / 20XU)
Cubasis LE

“Cubasis LE” is available in the App Store. You just need to connect your iPad to MG XU models to make it work. Cubasis LE is the compact version of Steinberg’s streamlined, multitouch sequencer for the iPad, providing the same look and feel of its bigger brother Cubasis. Specially designed for quick and easy operation, Cubasis LE makes recording, editing and mixing a breeze. Cubasis LE places touch-intuitive production tools in your hands, opening a new world of possibilities for your creativity. (MG10XU / 10XUF / 12XU / 12XUK / 16XU / 20XU)
*Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit/ Lightning to USB Camera Adapter required.