QL series

Keringkasan yang Klasik

CL series dikenal telah meningkatkan performa konsol mixing digital live ke tingkat detail yang baru dengan perkembangan kualitas suara, pengoperasian, dan fungsionalitas, dengan masih mempertahankan nilai-nilai tradisional yang telah menjadikan mixer digital Yamaha sebagai standar industri. Fitur inti dan performa yang diwarisi langsung dari CL series, termasuk suara natural yang didukung oleh kemampuan pemrosesan internal dengan kualitas suara yang luar biasa, pengoperasian yang mudah beradaptasi dengan tuntutan hampir semua lingkungan kerja, dan jaringan Dante internal yang memfasilitasi konfigurasi sistem yang fleksibel, kini telah telah dipadatkan ke dalam konsol mixing digital QL series yang ringkas. Konsol QL series secara lengkap menawarkan kemampuan mixing, pemrosesan, dan perutean untuk live sound skala kecil hingga menengah, acara pidato perusahaan, instalasi, dan masih banyak lagi.

Keys to Live Sound Success

Main Features

Pure, Natural Sound Plus Powerful Built-in Processing for Broad Creative Control

Pure, Natural Sound Plus Powerful Built-in Processing for Broad Creative Control

The Yamaha sound begins with reproduction that is faithful to the source. QL series consoles feature circuitry and components that have been designed and selected with the utmost care, achieving outstanding audio purity from input to output. With that solid sonic foundation it becomes possible to take full advantage of built-in premium internal processors such as the Portico 5033/5043 created in cooperation with Rupert Neve, to shape and create as required. For a wide range of speech applications built-in automatic mixing functionality from Dan Dugan Sound Design provides optimum channel balance while allowing the operator to concentrate fully on optimizing the overall sound.

Refined Control for Smooth Operation

Refined Control for Smooth Operation

The ability to respond swiftly and surely to multiple, rapidly changing demands is essential for effective live sound support. QL series consoles feature large touch-panel displays as well as “Touch and Turn” knobs that make up a remarkably smooth, efficient control interface. Attention has also been paid to details such as fader feel and channel name display visibility in order to deliver a sophisticated overall operating experience. Remote control and offline setup capability via an iPad or computer adds even more refinement to an already state-of-the-art operating environment.

Expandable All-in-One Support for Any Application

Expandable All-in-One Support for Any Application

In addition to ample analog input and output capacity, QL series consoles feature the same Dante audio networking protocol that provides broad connectivity in the CL consoles. There's also an innovative “Port to Port” feature that can patch any input port to any output port so the QL console can function as a remote I/O device for any other QL or CL series console, for example. Other flexibility enhancing features such as 2-track and multitrack recording capability, and dual MY expansion slots that allow processing capability or I/O to be added as required, make the QL consoles suitable for use as central components in an extensive variety of sound applications.

Related Applications

Features you can depend on for unsurpassed control and realibility, plus sound that delivers every show with maximum sonic impact.

Broadcast applications demand a great deal of the equipment used in terms of features, adaptability, sound, and reliability. That’s why you’ll find Yamaha professional sound gear in broadcast studios and vehicles around the world.

QL5 Digital Mixing Console

32 + 2 fader configuration adapts to a wide range of channel layouts. The QL5 is a compact console with large-scale capabilities.

  • Mix channels: 64 mono, 8 stereo.
  • Busses: 16 mix, 8 matrix (Input to Matrix supported).
  • Local I/O: 32 in, 16 out.
  • Fader configuration: 32 + 2 (Master).
  • Stainless steel iPad support stays.

QL1 Digital Mixing Console

16 + 2 fader configuration in a compact, rack mountable unit.

  • Mix channels: 32 mono, 8 stereo.
  • Busses: 16 mix, 8 matrix (Input to Matrix supported).
  • Local I/O: 16 in, 8 out.
  • Fader configuration: 16 + 2 (Master).
  • Rack mountable with optional RK1 Rack Mount Kit.

Rio3224-D2 I/O Racks

I/O Racks berkapasitas tinggi dan performa tinggi ini kompatibel dengan konsol Yamaha seri CL dan QL serta RIVAGE seri PM. Dilengkapi dengan 32 input analog, 16 output analog, dan delapan output AES/EBU digital. Rio3224-D2 terhubung langsung ke jaringan audio digital Dante, yang memungkinkan konfigurasi sistem yang fleksibel. Unit catu daya ganda dipasang untuk mencapai keandalan yang tinggi, dan tampilan karakter/grafis menyajikan konfirmasi visual yang mudah.

  • 32 input analog dan 16 output, dan 8 output digital.
  • Koneksi redundan didukung dengan konektor primer dan sekunder. Koneksi Daisy chain juga didukung.
  • Tampilan yang komprehensif dan kontrol lokal terkait gain dan parameter lainnya
  • Unit dual power supply dibangun untuk keandalan tinggi.
  • Konsumsi daya: 120W
  • Ukuran (PxTxL): 480 x 220 x 368mm (18,9" x 8,7" x 14,5")
  • Berat Bersih: 13,5 kg (29,8 lb)

Rio1608-D2 I/O Racks

I/O Rakcs berperforma tinggi ini dilengkapi dengan 16 input analog dan 8 output analog dan kompatibel dengan konsol Yamaha seri CL dan QL serta RIVAGE seri PM. Rio1608-D2 terhubung langsung ke jaringan audio digital Dante, yang memungkinkan konfigurasi sistem yang fleksibel. Unit catu daya ganda dipasang untuk mencapai keandalan yang tinggi, dan tampilan karakter/grafis menyajikan konfirmasi visual yang mudah.

  • 16 input analog dan 8 output.
  • Koneksi redundan didukung dengan konektor primer dan sekunder. Koneksi Daisy chain juga didukung.
  • Tampilan yang komprehensif dan kontrol lokal terkait gain dan parameter lainnya
  • Unit dual power supply dibangun untuk keandalan tinggi.
  • Konsumsi daya: 72W
  • Ukuran (PxTxL): 480 x 132 x 368mm (18,9" x 5,2" x 14,5")
  • Berat Bersih: 9,6 kg (21,2 lb)

RSio64-D I/O Rack

The RSio64-D is an audio interface that can convert between Dante and Mini-YGDAI formats for up to 64 inputs and 64 outputs

RMio64-D I/O Rack

The RMio64-D Dante/MADI conversion I/O rack is here. It supports a wide range of broadcast and live sound applications with extraordinary flexibility, and without getting in the way.

Ri8-D Input Rack

The 1U size Ri8-D has 8 ins.

Ro8-D Output Rack

The 1U size Ro8-D has 8 outs.

Mini-YGDAI cards

Seri MY (Mini-YGDAI) pengembangan kartu yang dugunakan dalam pilihan slot I/O dari mixer digital dan mesin mixing. Kartu pihak ketiga juga tersedia.


LED Gooseneck Console Lamp.

RK1 Kit Dudukan Rak

Kit rack mount untuk DM7 Compact/QL1/LS9-16/DM1000VCM/01V96i

The colors and finishes shown may vary from those on the actual products.