Step into the Spotlight

STAGEPAS 1K Tidak Dilanjutkan

01 Gambaran Umum

Video ini mengenalkan sistem PA portabel Yamaha baru, STAGEPAS 1K. Dengan ampli 1000W, kombinasi speaker all-in-one dan subwoofer ini dilengkapi dengan mixer digital yang komprehensif yang cukup fleksibel untuk mengakomodasi musisi yang sedang tampil, acara sekolah atau perusahaan, dan bahkan DJ yang ingin memeriahkan pesta.

02 Basic Operations

In the previous video, we gave you an overview of the STAGEPAS 1K. This time, we’ll focus on how to set up and control the STAGEPAS 1K taking a setup of a guitarist with a microphone for example.

03 Connecting via Bluetooth®

We know that being a performer means you can't always be walking back and forth to the mixer. So in this video, we’re going to talk about how you can use your mobile device’s Bluetooth to wirelessly adjust the EQ and volume OR play pre-recorded music when you can’t be near the STAGEPAS 1K.

04 STAGEPAS Editor Tips & Tricks

In this video, we are going to introduce some useful tips when using the STAGEPAS Editor app with your STAGEPAS 1K.