Seri Wawancara Engineer –Facts & Faders
Penghargaan & Acara
Yamaha RIVAGE PM5 dan PM3 Memenangkan IBC 2020 Best of Show Award Edisi Virtual

Yamaha RIVAGE PM5 dan PM3 Memenangkan IBC 2020 Best of Show Award Edisi Virtual
Yamaha merasa sangat puas karena sistem mixing digital RIVAGE PM5 dan PM3 telah memenangkan IBC 2020 Best of Show Award Edisi Virtual dari majalah Pro Sound News.
History Meets Modernity as Prague Hosts Yamaha’s 2019 System Designers Conference

History Meets Modernity as Prague Hosts Yamaha’s 2019 System Designers Conference
The past, present and future of professional sound recently met in the Czech Republic, as over 300 sound industry professionals from 40 countries headed for the capital Prague, host city for Yamaha’s annual System Designers Conference.
Award-winning DaNSe Makes A Big Impression At rAVe

Award-winning DaNSe Makes A Big Impression At rAVe
DaNSe is an advanced noise suppression plug-in for RIVAGE PM digital mixing systems, launched at ISE 2019 as part of the latest V3.0 update. AV publisher rAVe Publications was so impressed that it won a Best of ISE award in the Live Mixer for Installs category.
Awards for the Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 and CL/QL StageMix

Awards for the Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 and CL/QL StageMix
Yamaha pro audio products have been honored with two prestigious awards. The RIVAGE PM7 has received the FOH GOLD STAR PRODUCT AWARD 2019 for “Best New Large-Format Console,” and the CL/QL StageMix app has received the 34th ANNUAL NAMM TEC AWARD in the “Audio Apps & Hardware/Peripherals for Smartphone” category.
Flower Power: Yamaha dan Nexo Merupakan Gambaran yang Sempurna di PLASA

Flower Power: Yamaha dan Nexo Merupakan Gambaran yang Sempurna di PLASA
Pada pertengahan bulan September, bagian kecil dari Jepang muncul di London Barat selama tiga hari ... dan telah terbukti menjadi poin pembicaraan nyata seperti yang dipamerkan Yamaha dan Nexo di PLASA London.
High Quality - Yamaha’s Annual System Designers Conference Heads For The Alps

High Quality - Yamaha’s Annual System Designers Conference Heads For The Alps
In late September, 145 audio professionals from throughout Europe headed for the Austrian Alps, as Yamaha hosted its sixth annual System Designers Conference in the stunning location of the Scalaria Conference Centre, St Wolfgang.
Yamaha Wins Multiple Awards At ProLight+Sound and MusikMesse

Yamaha Wins Multiple Awards At ProLight+Sound and MusikMesse
Yamaha enjoyed an award-winning presence at both ProLight+Sound and MusikMesse in early April, as the RIVAGE PM10 digital mixing system and four of the company's MI products won prestigious PIPA and MIPA awards.
Kisah-Kisah dari Tim Pengembangan Kami
Wawancara: Masafumi Ito Tentang Mixer Digital Unggulan Kami Menuju Standar Generasi Berikutnya

Wawancara: Masafumi Ito Tentang Mixer Digital Unggulan Kami Menuju Standar Generasi Berikutnya
Yamaha Design "Synapses" menunjukkan hasrat desain kami, melalui kata kunci konseptual yang menghubungkan seluruh desain produk Yamaha secara organik.
30 tahun dalam penelitian dasar dan inovasi produk. Teknologi pemodelan fisik terdepan di kelasnya mendasari kekuatan K’s Lab.

30 tahun dalam penelitian dasar dan inovasi produk. Teknologi pemodelan fisik terdepan di kelasnya mendasari kekuatan K’s Lab.
(Dari DTM STATION. Laporan oleh Ken Fujimoto.)
Kami berjumpa dengan grup riset unik, K's Lab, dalam dua artikel sebelumnya: “Bagaimana penemuan sebuah tesis di 1977 menghasilkan terobosan di divisi riset K’s Lab Yamaha 30 tahun yang lalu," dan "Desain Rupert Neve dari tahun 60-an dan 70-an yang secara realistis diciptakan kembali oleh tim peneliti K’s Lab Yamaha.” Dalam artikel ini, bagian ketiga dan terakhir dari seri K’s Lab, kita akan melihat beberapa prosesor dan amplifier gitar yang telah dibuat dengan menggunakan teknologi VCM (Virtual Circuitry Modeling) mereka.
How the discovery of a 1977 thesis led to a breakthrough at the Yamaha K’s Lab research division 30 years ago

How the discovery of a 1977 thesis led to a breakthrough at the Yamaha K’s Lab research division 30 years ago
(From DTM STATION. Report by Ken Fujimoto.)
K’s Lab, led by a research fellow, Dr. Toshifumi Kunimoto, has been researching physical modeling systems for more than 30 years, and is one of the most preeminent research groups in its field. We’ll look back at how an unearthed thesis and a unique musical instrument led to the launch of K’s Lab.
Interview: Chris Taylor on the RIVAGE PM10

Interview: Chris Taylor on the RIVAGE PM10
Musician, mixing engineer, and sound system designer, Chris Taylor brings a lifetime of experience to Yamaha console design and development. In 2003 Chris joined Yamaha first working as a District Sales Manager for Yamaha Commercial Audio Systems in the US. After 3 years of sales experience he became R&D manager for Yamaha Japan and is currently engaged in helping Yamaha build professional audio consoles.
SWP1 Series Designer Interview

SWP1 Series Designer Interview
Digital audio networking is rapidly becoming an essential, convenience-enhancing element in live sound and other pro audio applications. Yamaha pro audio products with Dante audio networking capability, including the industry standard CL series digital mixing consoles, are leading the way. SWP1 series network switches are being introduced to take the evolution to the next level. The first Yamaha network router was introduced to the domestic market in 1995. Over the 20 years that followed, Yamaha brought IT and pro audio expertise together in some of the most innovative audio networking solutions available. In the following interview we discuss that background and some of the philosophy behind the SWP1 series network switches with key Yamaha pro audio designers.
Developer Interview: Fader Knobs Refined for Productivity and Motivation

Developer Interview: Fader Knobs Refined for Productivity and Motivation
Di tengah kegembiraan dan kemeriahan acara musik live terdapat seorang mixing engineer berkepala dingin yang membuat keputusan - keputusan yang sangat penting. Vokal, gitar, bass, keyboard, drum, dan fader lainnya harus dikontrol dengan tepat untuk mencapai keseimbangan musik yang ideal. Misi Yamaha yaitu untuk mendukung engineer saat berfokus dengan penuh perhatian pada setiap momen program musik yang sedang berlangsung, ujung jari berada di fader, siap untuk melakukan perubahan genting setiap saat. Misi tersebut mengarah pada perjalanan panjang penyempurnaan pada bentuk dan dimensi hubungan paling mendasar antara mixing engineer dan konsol: tombol fader. Wawancara berikut ini mengungkapkan dalamnya pemikiran dan kepedulian untuk desain tombol fader yang berevolusi, yang diperkenalkan dalam seri konsol mixing digital CL series.
The Development of Virtual Circuitry Modeling Audio Effects

The Development of Virtual Circuitry Modeling Audio Effects
From the birth of physical modeling to Portico emulations
Sejarah Mixer Digital
Sejarah Mixer Digital

Sejarah Mixer Digital
Back when Yamaha products such as the DX7 synthesizer and SPX90 multi-effect unit were at the peak of their popularity, Yamaha was busy developing and manufacturing a DSP LSI that was originally intended for use in Electones, but which also showed promise for digital mixing applications. That LSI provided the basis for Yamaha’s first digital mixer, the DMP7.